致命的控诉原名:Blood Oath,又名血誓、Prisoners of the Sun
The island of Ambon in Indonesia, 1945. During the War, the number of Australian POWs on the island had dropped from 1100 to less than 300 due to abuses by their Japanese captors. Capt. Cooper is the chief prosecutor. In a mass grave, the bodies of 300 executed servicemen have been unearthed. Cooper assumes that the massacre was ordered by Baron Takahashi, Japanese commander on...
发布于1990年。由Stephen Wallace执导,并且由编剧Denis Whitburn、Brian A. Williams携幕后团队创作。集众多位Bryan Brown、George Takei、Terry O'Quinn、Russell Crowe等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1990-07-26公映的电影。
电视电影质感x2你素戏份也还算多不过有点边缘化 法庭戏基本就是在男主旁边坐着hhhh
《致命的控诉》(Prisoners of the Sun)是1990年推出的一部****剧情电影,由史蒂芬·华莱士执导,丹尼斯·惠特本**编剧。电影讲述了一名****军官试图起诉一位日本**因其在战俘营中的犯罪行为,尽管美**官对此持不同意见。
这么好的电影为什么没人顶呢!万恶的日本guizi,要什么证据来审判啊,对于animal都不如的日本guizi,直接毙了就是了,讲什么道理!虽然在这发表自己的个人政治观点很不对,但是我觉得还是很有必要说一句,不要以为什么当初日本老百姓多么无辜多么纯洁,记住,没有这群"老百姓"举爪子同意,日本政府也没那么容易出兵的!咳咳。。喝口水平复下心情,what Russell is, what I will be。
典型**十年代澳洲白左土粹电影…initiatives明显到无聊,see what these evil blokes from outside australia have done to our decent ****** ordinary aussie kids\ _ /