达姆一家以及达姆狗原名:The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog,又名达姆一家
The Whole Dam Family and The Dam Dog is a popular fad which has been widely advertised by lithographs and souvenir mailing cards, and has recently been made the subject of a sketch in a New York Vaudeville Theatre. The Edison Manufacturing Co., with their usual up-to-date methods, have illustrated this popular subject in a most novel and original way in Motion Pictures. The pic...
达姆一家以及达姆狗 The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog (1905):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Cb411U76D
这个有点意思,大相册 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzk5NjkyNzky.html
在线观看:****://***.tudou****/v/XAOmSsDlLAs/v.swf Dam一家每个人都出现在镜头前,最后连狗也出镜了,虽然只有短短的7秒钟,却不难看出作为家庭一员的大白狗的幸福。《The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog》
每个人以medium-closeup上来展示自己的性格。以切过渡,略有练习剪辑(开头俩人都打喷嚏)。90sec, 7shots.