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如何建造大教堂 (2008)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Victoria Page
  • 演员: Jon Cannon
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
  • 单集片长: 60分钟
  • 资源状态:
  • 更新时间:
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如何建造大教堂原名:BBC FOUR How to Build a Cathedral,

The ***** cathedrals were the wonders of the Medieval World - the tallest buildings since the pyramids and the showpieces of Medieval Christianity. Yet they were built at a time when most of us lived in hovels. Architectural historian Jon Cannon explores who were the people that built them and how were they able to achieve such a bold vision.

发布于2008年。由Victoria Page执导,集众多位Jon Cannon等著名实力派明星加盟。


giuliaducasse 2020-11-05

配乐太多内容太少 英国主座教堂看上去都有一种属于英国的土感(主要是polychrome masonry和ornamental ribs太过花枝招展…)但Fan Vaulting还蛮*** 还有最后那个Ely的crossing tower从里面看也不错(除了****上的maiestas domini和显然过于拥挤的ribs,炽天使画大点不好吗)7/10

星期五你有空吗 2020-07-05

英国哥特讲的比较多。wells cathedral也太好看了吧,不愧诗意

苦丁茶 2020-05-15


momo 2019-06-30

主要讲的还是英国哥特,pointed arch和大花窗。比较喜欢的一段话:Windows make the upper parts of the cathedral bright, with their vivid and various colors imitating the rainbow. Hard without, but like a honeycomb within. It seems to be a thing not of art but of nature, holding people’s minds in suspense as they wonder. Soaring and lofty, clear and resplendent. 结尾那段也很喜欢。

我突然 2017-07-21


classical.lm 2013-10-14


Ahino K 2012-10-22

https://***.***********/watch?v=5u9rjssGJrc&feature=related 术语好多且无字幕。还好之前看过一些书还算能有些底子让自己看下去。还是不错的。

老吴 2012-09-17
