雀西酒店原名:Chelsea on the Rocks,又名濒危的摇滚圣地、濒危的切尔西饭店
Combining fictional characters with archival footage, Chelsea on the Rocks is a look at the famous (or is that infamous?) Chelsea Hotel, where the bohemian ******èle has been immortalized in song and story. The Chelsea's history is both sparkling and squalid; it's where Bob Dylan wrote "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands," it's where Arthur C. Clarke wrote 2001: A ***** Odyssey, and...
只看了Ethan的部分。Ethan说自己当时搬进旅馆之前在巴黎拍电影(猜是before sunset),当时在和乌玛闹**所以拍完电影他就没地方住了,所以带着孩子来投奔Stanley,Stanley讲不会收费但是要Ethan赶紧save his marriage,他说他不想save marriage所以你还是收我一千万刀吧,最后Stanley也没有收钱但“charged me an arm and a leg”。原来少年**里面那首split the difference就是Ethan在旅馆里写给自己小孩的Chelsea lullaby改编的(所以你为什么又把给自己小孩的东西放到电影里去了捏^_^锤爆(好奇是带Maya来的还是Levon)
a lovely hotel must have an ugly story,maybe lots of.