前卫爵士米尔福德原名:Milford Graves Full Mantis,
MILFORD GRAVES FULL MANTIS is a portrait of renowned percussionist Milford Graves, exploring his kaleidoscopic creativity and relentless curiosity. "Milford Graves engages with our universe through contemplation and meditation where we coexist in a garden of timeless nature. Since the early 1960s he has struck a mythic figure in the lineage of New Thing/Free Jazz music and art....
发布于2018年。由尼尔·杨、Jake Meginsky执导,并且由编剧Milford Graves、Jake Meginsky携幕后团队创作。集众多位Milford Graves等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2018-07-13(美国)公映的电影。
在《As Serious as Your Life》一书中读到了Milford Graves的爵士往事故搜来观看。很喜欢他的念叨。
看完纪录片再看the wire杂志alan licht的专访文章帮助理解很多
开场拍他家里一堆**雕塑,中文的武术书,然后切到 Helmholtz 那本声学。后来还搞心率电子乐(不),有点神奇。
對即興爵士鼓的領域不熟悉,但這傢伙還真酷......影片形式純粹地貼合主題,在一驚ㄧ乍中享受你不曾感受過的 flow. Just let it in and out, man! #2019UrbanNomad
很有趣的纪录片形式,根据鼓点切换的双画面,开头呼应音乐家节奏理论的剪辑逻辑,测心跳那段的动画。只是对内容没什么兴趣,觉得这个老头贼烦- -…觉得他的音乐哲学太神神叨叨了。
do not analyze it, just take it in... recontexualize it against the current moment over and over again...It flows in and out...