猫头鹰的遗产原名:L'Héritage de la chouette,又名The Owl's Legacy
The Owl's Legacy is a symposium. A symposium of symposium's. A gathering over food and wine where the host, in this case Marker, picks a topic of discussion, which is ritually discussed in unison with the passing of the wine. The conversation becomes a journey. A journey in which the destination is unknown and the possibilities are endless. For this symposium, strictly for inte...
u6 魂之来兮君亦悲。Όμορφη και παράξενη πατρίδα. 六七集爱死 (typically me)。CM你真的很爱猫和猫头鹰
ocat 放映🎥 提前离场,真诚的觉得如果真对希腊文化感兴趣不如回去看书
2/2/19 Brooklyn public library
@Metrograph. A tantalizing glimpse of (the Francophone and Anglophone Greeks at) the turn of the decade.
Chris Marker’s epic series The Owl’s Legacy (1989) is neither a deeply ‘auterist’ work nor a brilliant piece of Cinema. It is, plainly, the documentation of a thirteen-part symposium on Ancient Greece enabled by the Onassis Foundation and conceptualized by Marker.
Chris Marker is the ultimate ****** of cross-culture discourse on history, politics, and in this case, cultural heritage. A must see.