马拉奇亚士的奇迹原名:Das Wunder des Malachias,又名马拉基阿斯神父的奇迹、The Miracle of Father Malachia
"Wunderbar" takes on a new meaning in this routine satire by Bernhard Wicki about a bar that is miraculously transported by God Himself to a nearby, new location on an island. The nature of the miracle is a bit strange, but it comes in answer to Pater Malachias' prayers to get the sin-ridden place out of the center of the ****. The good and ***** Malachias is subtly played by H...
第11届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。
第11届柏林国际电影节:银熊奖 最佳导演。
Das Wunder des Malachias @2019-09-06 18:49:31