拉塞尔·皮特斯:幽默无国界原名:Russell Peters: Outsourced,
This guy is hilarious, he is a rare find, buy this DVD it is really funny, you will pee your pants it is so good. Coming from an Indo-Canadian comedian Russell Peters is the best in the business. He takes shots at all the ethnicities and there are no boundaries he doesn't cross, Whether you are white, black, brown or whatever, you are all going to get it. His comedy is not mean...
发布于2006年。由Alan C. Blomquist执导,并且由编剧拉塞尔·皮特斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位Russell Peters等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-08-03公映的电影。
那段在北京的购物经历真是*中我了,为什么在中国买不到东西,难道他们不是制造所有东西的嘛? 逗死我了,哈哈
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 赞啊
somebody gonna get hurt real bad
不错,很有感觉;又看了一遍,DVD-Rip 10/12/24
这是加拿大当红笑星Russell Peters的栋笃笑Standup Comedy,不是那部美国电影!楼下几位看清楚了!