签约演员SB原名:In the Company of Actors,
Within the world of theatre the rehearsal room is a sacred ***** -- the private domain where boundaries are pushed, risks taken, mistakes made, vulnerabilities exposed and, at its very best, magic created. It's not a place into which the public is often, if ever, invited. Until now; In The Company of Actors features an ensemble of Australia's finest actors, including Cate Blanc...
发布于2007年。由Ian Darling执导,集众多位罗宾·奈文、凯特·布兰切特、雨果·维文等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-06-10(澳大利亚)公映的电影。
看完涌起了一股去**的冲动 最近才发现CB之前在纽约连续演出的那段时间我也去了纽约玩 悔不当初 我是**