狗镇:试播片段原名:Dogville: The Pilot,又名The Dogville Test
As described by Lars Von Trier in the director's commentary (not included). "We made a ****…some months before we shot the film just to see how we wanted it to look. To decide where we were going with the sound and if we could use…a realistic sound to this very non-realistic image. If you have so few props you have to decide which ones are going to be there and why. There are a...
强迫症乱写的, 没找到,看的是《解构电影》 "电影应该像鞋里的石头"
技术派 整体场景搭设 照明灯**户 2333 不过拉斯不愧是精德 Verfremdung 一出口 看来除了吾父德莱叶和我母伯格曼精神偶像尼采之后又要有个上师布莱希特了 ╮(╯▽╰)╭