军校风云原名:The Strange One,又名End as a man
An intense story about a sadistic teenage cadet at a southern military school and the dehumanizing and bullying tactics he uses in hazing other students. A creepy upper-classman named Jocko de Paris, devises a complex scheme to get another student thrown out of the school. He sets up a cheating card **** where the attending freshmen are scared stiff. A football star with a know...
没想到是这么暗黑 人性的题材 能让毒虫如此嚣张很久 也是很多人从众心理 就像Simeon叨叨说室友的 都是己所不欲 道德** 就差一个人站出来。结尾制造的氛围感很强。
还没有人翻译过,已翻译校对完毕~中英双语熟肉指路微博@Kucing_ 2023年02月中旬任务Done✅
3.5 看得很愉快:)那年头有这样的角色&剧情可真不错 pretty *** but **系列:P
五十年代和*** audience的超级nudge-nudge wink-wink之作。“a frightening portrait of a charismatic young sadist in a southern military school”Naremore书里这个一句话简介也太能安利人了……The film debut of Ben Gazzara|AVClub: “introducing a female character to undercut the raging homoeroticism”🆘James Dean拼命争取想演本片主角结果角色给了戈扎那,太微妙了,**微妙(确信如果Dean演这个角色肯定没这么辣|据说和原剧差别还是蛮大的,对原剧剧本有点感兴趣
"The hippocrates are taking over everything."