冈加祖巴原名:Ganga Zumba,
A former poet, journalist and film critic, Carlos Diegues emerged as one of the foremost proponents of Brazil's Cinema Novo movement (akin to the French New Wave). Since ****** his first features in the early 1960s, he has explored various aspects of Brazilian life in political, social and historical contexts, with particular emphasis on slavery and its legacy to his native lan...
发布于1970年。由卡洛斯·迭戈执导,并且由编剧卡洛斯·迭戈、莱奥波尔多·塞兰携幕后团队创作。集众多位Antonio Pitanga等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1970-07-09公映的电影。
carlos diegues不少片骨架是冒险片,借鉴hollywood可以做到更高效率,作为改编作品之前半部,商业属性很弱的**长片,虚构的不可考据部分溶解于民俗/神话,72年方得以发行有点冤,那么问题就来了:黑人导演在64-85年间**电影里的存在感何在?carlos的理念是相承mestiçagem,其后quilombo被指出他所谓的racial democracy与branquemento无异之争议接力50年间最有争议的2部名作,似是一种循环,从某些角度来看cinema novo是失败的