阿兹·安萨里:活埋原名:Aziz Ansari: Buried Alive,又名安萨里:活着好难
comedians who I love all share the same value
BV1bx411675g 上一代人是"Times New Roman",这一代人是"Comic Sans",笑死我,开场的恐婚恐育还有恋童笑话都不错,Aziz:我小时候太可爱了以至于把恋童癖都吓跑了,这可是Aziz,他想上哪个大人都行,后面又开始谈恋爱那些事了听不进去。回过头看Aziz此时此刻那一场,真的是太不同了
Aziz is a good storyteller.现代人 are fucking Comic Sans,点头。难怪Aziz走到哪儿都要穿得漂漂亮亮的,人家想当Times New Roman啊!他这么怕结婚生孩子,被未来老婆看见了该怎么办【。
marriage:i want to hang out with you until you are dead,put this ring on so other s know we have an arrangement.the priest is here to make sure you won't back out of this.===how difficult it is to maintain a normal view on life,once you put everything on question,,you are lost.
A bit of "aww" a bit of "meh."
Dude's freaking talented!!!
Some people are nice. Some people are shitty. ** son is shitty alright? I've accepted it!