角斗士2 忠犬八公 女囚风暴1995 老师,别哭 僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 749局 老枪

7362 (1967)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Pat O'Neil
  • 类型:短片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
  • 上映时间: 1989
  • 片长: 10分钟
  • 资源状态:
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Sound: Joseph Byrd, Michael Moore; Picture: Pat O'Neill. A bilaterally symmetrical (west to east) fusion of human, biomorphic and mechanical shapes in motion. Has to do with the spontaneous generation of electrical energy. A fairly rare (ten years ago) demonstration of the Sabattier effect in motion. Numbered after the film stock of the same name.

发布于1967年。由Pat O'Neil执导,并于1989公映的电影。


adamhodgkins 2017-08-27

this film is from 1967, not 1989

Zeno!#Schizo 2010-06-23

太厉害了 镜像对称的色彩爆炸**剪影

yuςii 2009-05-22

psychedelic *** btw machine & human being