One of Lipsett's many found-footage films (films made up of footage 'sampled' from other films) this short uses a fairly abstract montage of shots to comment on the isolation and alienation of the modern man (1964 modern) in a mechanised society. the individual footage itself is quite amazing and the overall effect of the montage leaves one with a definate sense of unease. appa...
发布于1964年。由Arthur Lipsett执导,并于1964公映的电影。
据说George Lucas看了二三十遍后star wars受他影响??我可以说他是加拿大的**吗hahaha
Lipsett 穿出屏幕按到我太阳*去
课上看的,让我想起影像之书……?这个短片对George Lucas影响很大,说他看了不下40遍,在他的电影里埋下无数彩蛋。**座THX1138发生在2187年。新希望里面莱娅的囚房是2187号,噢当然还有FN-2187。
CIN week 11 启发了星球大战导演的实验短片 对于未来的害怕 恐惧
【9.0】加拿大先锋实验短片。真是**得完美啊~用解剖、嬉皮士、唱诗班等元素来探讨宗教、人类文化、科学、生存、死亡。Arthur Lipsett再一次玩儿了一场语言对话和图像剪辑的艺术。除了Very nice,very nice之外最喜欢的短片。
Mock the cookie cutters. Individualism.
4/25 像回憶腦內一大堆零醉記憶叠加重复与更替的狀況 "Director Arthur Lipsett recycled abandoned stock footage left on the cutting room floor "